The Los Tres Reyes Magos craft is used to celebrate Three Kings' Day, which is when many Spanish-speaking children receive their gifts (Photo Credit: Theresa Benton).
What could one possibly expect to do with three empty toilet paper rolls at a B Club meeting? That is what many members and candidates of the Spanish Honor Society had to contemplate for a week. Students were told that in order to come to the SHH meeting and annual Christmas party on Dec. 10, they each had to bring three empty cardboard toilet paper tubes. Not sure what to expect, some students were understandably apprehensive.
“I was very confused,” said junior Asha McElroy. “It didn’t make sense.”
McElroy and her fellow members needn’t have worried though. Upon arriving at the meeting, the students soon learned that the tubes would be used to make a common craft made by many Spanish-speaking families: Los Tres Reyes Magos, or the Three Kings.
Officers explained that for many Spanish-speakers, Three Kings’ Day (Jan. 6) is often celebrated more vibrantly than Christmas. This day celebrates the three wise men giving their gifts to the baby Jesus.
After the explanation, students were able to pick out craft material including wrapping paper, cotton balls, and cupcake wrappers with which they turned their cardboard tubes into the three kings.
“It was cool to do the Kings,” said junior Carly Camp. “They were really cute.”
Once their craft was completed, students moved to another room to make paper snowflakes and Christmas cards for children in the Mexican orphanage for which the SHH collects money.
“The snowflakes were awesome,” said Camp. “It made me feel nice to be giving Christmas spirit to the children in Mexico.”