Photo Credit: Lilly Blake
Halloween at Mercy this year was anything but ordinary as new traditions, and even false mechanical fires filled the day. Eight-hundred high school students adorned in full costume stood in the rainy parking lot for about 15 minutes.
“It was a really fun day,” said junior Sloan Horejsi. “I loved all the unexpected surprises, even if it meant standing in the rain.”
According to Associate Principal Mr. Larry Baker, the fire alarm went off due to a false trigger in one of the mechanical rooms. No harm was done.
The false fire was not the only thrill of the day, however. On top of the classic Mercy haunted house, new Halloween themed festivities took place. Ms. Elesha Tarplin planned two in particular. Between 8 a.m. and 8:15 a.m., students showed off their costumes in a procession around the school. A unique array of costumes was displayed, ranging from a life-sized taco to a group of fraternity boys. Many teachers also dressed up. AP U.S. History teacher Mr. Steve Morgan dressed as Steve from the children’s television show Blue’s Clues. Latin teacher Ms. Lauren Marquard wore a denim jacket and pants, adorned with buttons and quilted fabric, calling herself a “DIY guru.”
The second activity Ms. Tarplin planned for the students was a pumpkin hunt. Every hour she sent an all-school email with a clue as to where the pumpkins were hidden. Some hiding places included the media center courtyard, the chapel, and the business office. Rewards were given to the students who found the pumpkins.
“I thoroughly enjoyed the new activities,” said sophomore Sophie Van Acker. “I did not locate a pumpkin, but I know I will be on top of my game for the activities next year.”