Junior iWizard Izzy Baughman assists IT Director Mr. Gary Bank in connecting Mrs. Schrimscher's computer before her presentation on flipped classrooms (Photo Credit: Katie Birecki).
Groups of teachers from various schools across Michigan excitedly buzz about the technology presentations they wish to see and how they can use technology in their classrooms. While this is happening, sophomore iWizard Nadine Foumia helps presenter Ms. Carol Rife connect her Macbook to a projector so she can begin her presentation on Animation Creator HD.
“It’s interesting to see the teacher’s perspective of using technology in the classroom,” said junior Izzy Baughman, an iWizard of three years. “I’ve been enjoying listening to the presenters as well.”
While Mercy’s iWizards typically help other students, they were able to lend a hand to teachers at Mercy’s second-annual Tech Talk conference on Feb. 27.
Everything from flipped classrooms, to Google apps, to 3D printers, and Pintrest boards were discussed at different sessions throughout the day. Presenters came from schools such as Huron Valley, Grosse Pointe Academy, and Divine Child, as well as University of Michigan Dearborn and Grand Valley State University.
Tech Talk is not brand-new to Mercy. Last year, over 300 participants made the journey to Farmington Hills in the slush and snow to learn about innovative ways to use technology in the classroom. This year, registration closed early because of the overwhelming amount of people who signed up to attend. The iWizards did partake in the event last year, explaining the role of the iWizards to interested teachers.
The iWizards’ task this year was to work with the I.T. department and make sure that all technology ran smoothly. Each iWizard was assigned to one or two rooms, and before each hour-long presentation, help connect computers and iPads to the assigned projectors.
“I’m happy to be a part of this conference,” said Baughman. “It feels nice to be representing the Mercy community.”
To see more pictures of the iWizards and of the conference, please visit http://techtalkmercy.weebly.com