Mercy Make a Difference Day allows Mercy staff and student to go out into the community and serve others (Nicole Di Ponio).
Mercy’s annual Make a Difference Day was Tuesday, Sept. 21. This day was added to Spirit Week last year. The staff and students were split up by advisor groups while doing their service.
The day began with each member of the current Mercy community receiving a bright yellow t-shirt. After this, the school went to the auditorium to pray before leaving on different buses. The staff and students were then bussed out to a number of various locations around the Metro Detroit area.
“I went to Belle Isle with my advisor group, and we tested the water and picked up trash,” said junior Sarah Posa. “I thought this year was fun but last year was definitely better.”
Other places that students visited were Focus Hope, a retreat center, gardens, and more. The service consisted of packing boxes, planting flowers, and cleaning.
“I went to Belle Isle and picked up trash,” said sophomore Lauren Folley. “I just wish that we could have gone some place with more to do because there wasn’t any trash.”
Mercy stepping out into the community and lending helping hands teaches students about giving help to others in need and encourages them to do so. It helps the school because service is one of the Mercy values. Mercy has proven that service is a very important part of education and should not be forgotten.
“I hope that next year they decide to switch up the advisor groups so I’m not doing the same service every year,” said Posa.