Trying out for High School Musical 4 is something sophomore Sophie Sawicki owed herself as a hardcore fan of the series. She smiles as she shares that she still remembers all the dance moves to the High School Musical song “We’re All in This Together”. (Photo credit: Karina Lloyd)
“This could be the start of something new, it feels so right to be here with you.” These well-known lyrics are from the opening song of the wildly famous Disney Original Movie, High School Musical. The High School Musical franchise that began in 2006 has remained close to the hearts of many who grew up watching the films. Now, 10 years later, Disney has announced “the start of something new” with the coming High School Musical 4. The film will be ushering in a new generation of singing athletes and love-struck teens. Among the many hopefuls to be what Disney has been looking for is Mercy sophomore Sophie Sawicki.
“I heard there was going to be a High School Musical 4 and, being the crazy fan I am, I [looked into finding a role],” Sawicki said smiling. “A few hours later, my mom’s friend called me with the name of an agent and audition information.”
Sawicki described seeing the movie for the first time at age 5 as an eye-opening experience.
“I think it [inspired me] because seeing all these high schoolers on stage doing what they loved was really cool,” she said.
From then on, Sawicki wanted to be a part of theatre. At age 9, Sawicki was able to be in of her first show, The Little Mermaid, at Stagecrafters Community Theater. Years later, it seems fitting that Sawicki would try out for the movie that helped inspire her love of singing and acting.
Sawicki was a part of a general audition, meaning she did not audition for any role in particular, but for any role the casting directors see fit for her. For the audition, she recorded a video in which she sang 16 measures of a song and recited lines from the script.
She laughed as she recalled trying to find the perfect pop song for the audition.
“I had to find a song to sing 16 measures of,” she said. “I was literally looking all over before I could find one.”
She finally came across Whitney Houston’s “I Want to Dance With Somebody” and decided she wanted to sing it acapella with a bit of her own twist.
Though she was a part of the general audition, Sawicki felt herself identifying with one character in particular.
“If I could be a character I think I would be Natalie, the bubbly and outgoing cheerleader from East High,” said Sawicki. “I feel like [she] and I had a lot in common.”
If cast for this role, it would not be Sawicki’s first time playing a peppy cheerleader. Sawicki played one of the Wildcat cheerleaders in Stagecrafters’ production of High School Musical last summer.
“I think [having that experience] helped me prepare for this audition because I had an idea of what Disney was looking for,” Sawicki explained. “Disney is looking for kids that are overly energetic, but who are also real and true to themselves.”
Despite theatre being one of the things she love, she does not want to pursue it as a career, and said she won’t be disappointed if she does not receive a role.
“I think it’s really cool that I can say I tried out for High School Musical 4,” explained Sawicki.
Though it would be amazing to receive a role, Sawicki wants to walk away from the audition having gained a new experience.
“Doing the audition was to show myself my own confidence and to try new things,” said Sawicki.