American Beauty/American Psycho includes hit singles like "Centuries" and "Immortals" (Photo Credit: Island Records).
A year-and-a-half after their post-hiatus album was released, Fall Out Boy delivered yet another highly-anticipated record that surely left fans wanting more. Their sixth studio album, American Beauty/American Psycho (abbreviated as AB/AP), was released on Jan. 20 and includes songs that every music lover will enjoy.
With their release of Save Rock and Roll in 2013, the band moved away from their old “punk” songs to a more popular alternative rock sound, which is carried throughout AB/AP as well. Songs like “Centuries” and “Favorite Record” give the pop feel that is normally played on radio stations today. However, the title track “American Beauty/ American Psycho” along with “Novocaine” and “Twin Skeleton’s (Hotel In NYC)” return the band to their edgier music and lyrics.
Other songs, like “Jetpack Blues” and “The Kids Aren’t Alright”, are more easy-going and have heartfelt lyrics that anyone can relate to.
Along with the lyrics, several songs have a unique sound that most artists don’t necessarily experiment with. “Fourth of July” begins with eerie harmonizing vocals and a flute solo. The song “Uma Thurman” has a Beach Boys-like style while the lyrics pay tribute to the actress’ famous movie roles.
Despite the creative and inspiring songs on AB/AP, “Immortals” proves to be the only exception. Composed for Disney’s new animated movie Big Hero 6, the song does not do the band justice. It seems very over-produced and unlike the rest of the more genuine songs on the album.
Overall, Fall Out Boy does not disappoint and shows that they are still going strong after their four-year hiatus. AB/AP is available in stores everywhere and on all music downloading websites.