Safe Haven hits theaters February 14th. Photo credit: Imbd
As love begins to fill the air, many Mercy students are beginning to experience the loneliness associated with the Valentine’s Day holiday. For junior Julia Rettig, Valentine’s Day plans have already been sorted out.

“I’m going to see Safe Haven on Valentine’s Day,” said Rettig. Safe Haven is the brainchild of the popular romantic novelist Nicholas Sparks, and the latest addition to his collection of “books turned film”. The story follows the life of Katie, a mysterious girl who lands unexpectedly in the small town of Southport, North Carolina. Sparks is famous for setting his stories in the southern United States. Katie begins to become comfortable with the people of the town and starts to break down the walls she worked hard to hold at the beginning of the story. As the story unfolds, Katie begins a romantic relationship with Alex Wheatley, a local widow. As things become serious between the two, Katie’s unusual past becomes clear. A story filled with trial and tribulations, this is a film no one can miss.
On February 14th Rettig, along with many other Mercy students, plan to watch as their favorite actors, such as Josh Duhammel (Wheatley) and Julianne Hough (Katie), take the screen.
“I can’t wait to see the movie,” said sophomore Margaret Terhune. Terhune has been reading the Sparks books since she was moved by The Notebook when it first came out.
“It’s much easier to spend Valentine’s Day single if you’re at a movie with your friends,” Terhune added.
Terhune was not the only Mercy girl sparked by previous Nicholas Sparks movies.
“I saw The Lucky One with Zac Efron last year,” said junior Sarah Hoffman. “If this movie is half as good as The Lucky One I can’t wait to see it.”
Nicholas Sparks’ films are legendary among teens, ranging from favorites such as The Last Song with Miley Cyrus to the classic The Notebook with Ryan Gosling.
“I’m worried I’m expecting too much after The Notebook,” said Rettig. Many of Sparks’ films, such as Dear John and The Vow with Channing Tatum, flourished at the box office but fell flat in terms of critical acclaim.
“I don’t plan on seeing Safe Haven,” said sophomore Taylor Babcock. “There is no way it can even compare to The Notebook, so why bother.”
“Last year I went with my boyfriend to The Vow and it was terrible,” said junior Danielle Abboud. “I don’t plan on going to see his new movie.”
The success and failures of Sparks’ previous films do not hold any diehard fans back.
“Regardless of how the movie ends up doing at the box office,” said Rettig,”I know I’ll enjoy it.”